Showing 36 Result(s)

Use of Humour to Enhance Learning

Humour as a pedagogical tool can be like walking on a tightrope. If done well, it could enhance learning or at the very least make learning more fun. However, if not done well, it could have disastrous consequences. I remember a few years ago attending a webinar on use of humour and I found it …

Teaching Through Storytelling

Teaching through storytelling dates back thousands of years (Kosa, 2008). According to Coulter, Michael, and Poyner (2007) and Sanchez (2005), storytelling offers much more than casual entertainment within academic settings. Instead, storytelling is a tool that helps students understand the world around them. Storytelling enables students to visualize themselves in similar situations as the characters …

Planning for the Ideal Emotional Atmosphere

Lessons that are stimulating and challenging are more likely to pass through the reticular activating system (a filter in the lower brain that focuses attention on novel changes perceived in the environment). Classroom experiences that are free of intimidation may help information pass through the amygdala’s affective filter. In addition, when classroom activities are pleasurable, …

The Neuroscience of Joyful Education

Brain research tells us that when the fun stops, learning often stops too.Judy Willis Most children can’t wait to start kindergarten and approach the beginning of school with awe and anticipation. Kindergartners and 1st graders often talk passionately about what they learn and do in school. Unfortunately, the current emphasis on standardized testing and rote …

Social and Emotional Learning

Social and emotional understanding and skills underpin both personal resilience and healthy relationships. Howard Gardner (1999) identified the two intelligences as intrapersonal—understanding and managing the self, and interpersonal—establishing and maintaining positive relationships. Although the following list is not exhaustive, the authors identify SEL as including the following: recognizing and labelling personal feelings, strengths, and values …

Role Play as a Teaching Strategy

Role-play is a pedagogy used in a wide variety of contexts and content areas. The guidelines for the role-play are usually modelled on realistic criteria, so the students can get as close to the real thing as possible. Research on role-play’s effectiveness and best practices exist as far back as the 1970s; recently, however, role-play …

Teacher emotions in the classroom and student classroom behaviour

Teachers experience a range of emotions during their work (Frenzel 2014; Keller et al. 2014), which are triggered by multiple factors and their interplay (Schutz 2014). Teacher emotions typically unfold in interaction with their environment (Day and Gu 2014). Teachers interact with different people in their work (e.g. colleagues, parents), but interactions with their students seem to be the …

Boredom begets boredom: the impact of teacher boredom on student boredom and motivation

Boredom is a common complaint among students. Boredom was previously found to be negatively associated with academic outcomes, such as academic motivation, strategies, and achievement. It is of interest to understand students’ in-class boredom, especially factors that might exacerbate it. A study published at The British Psychological Society, examines the influence of teacher’s boredom on …

Using memes in the classroom

Over the past decade, technology has been developing at an overwhelming speed and it is often changing people’s lives to make things easier and better for them. On the other hand, it has taken over control of people’s lives. They cannot go through the day without having to text someone, watch videos, surf the internet …